Thursday, May 25, 2006 @ 5:29 pm
i dont want c.m.e to go...[[cheyenne.melina.sheren][bestiest**]] or [to some] i dont want...but it seems soooooo convincing that mel has her OWN friends now and doesnt want us..or should i say my friendship anymore...she's always saying on how good her friends are..ohh i've found some1 more tomboy than u,more retarded than retandando[julia]but some how or another she never says her bad side of school...until sheren told me....sheesh..........yea...and she didnt even tell me...nth bout that but..friends are supposed to noe everythin.especially close sheren has transfrered to QSS[queenstown]...wif mel there while i'm alone in this sch myself...their even going on a cruise together...i was invited mom didnt allow cos u see our moms fought...but's not sheren's mom!!!!!urgh................................................................................does friendship really last a life time???