campus ghost story and the embarrassing part bout me and sheren...>.<
Saturday, July 08, 2006 @ 9:30 pm
today was ben's ask us to go out...then when go attitude sia...the worse outing ever i swear.even expect us to pay for movie then pay already.........go wif his other ah we invited...nicholas..not nicholas xu!!!!heng ah..if him die loh..hahax...
then went to watch "campus ghost story" my word it jus has to be a ghost story huh...quite lame lah and sheren were lyk the noisiest in the cinema...hahax^^...
during the movie....we were like: "f***!!, oh man she's in the room again!!?!?,she jus has to be there rite no where else..."
then the second part...then we were lyk SOO scared we didnt dare to we were using my jacket to cover than..sheren was lyk "eh cheyenne let's go let's go." then i was lyk..: "yah yah!!let's leave now!!"
then there was this huge BANG!! then we were lyk.... "NVM!!WE STAY WE STAY..."hahax so hilarious lah.
finally the last part sheren force me to see then i saw the green background wif this THING comin near the screen..
a scream broke lose.......yeah that was me screaming....the ONLY ONE SCREAMING...
Then me and sheren went funny lah!!!my pastor was like speaking in tongues...and she was like..
"eh wad is she saying ah??? Is she saying it anyhow???"
HAHAHAHAHAX!!!cant blame lah so explain lor stil dont understand oh well...
then 'zhun zhun' must preach bout DANIEL...........the guy who likes sheren and keep askin for stead sian ah he...wha then sheren was lyk...which daniel and i was lyk..not yr daniel that's all i noe..*sigh** hahax
then later we had to pray for the ppl we want to save.
sheren said melina and kelvin....HAHA
jus had to be kelvin huh.....((= hehe
the on the way home toking bout sheren's ex and which was the best...hahax damn damn funny lah....sigh** yeps...
that's all cya