Adventure with Tania & Julia.
Wednesday, August 09, 2006 @ 10:25 pm
OMG TODAY ADVENTURE ROCKS MAN!!!LOL!we went to the train tracks first wifout julia cos she was late..
found a football in there i think it was my brothers..cos he lost one in the train tracks once...anyway..we were waiting deperately for the train to come aww...but i DIDNT!!!!DAMN IT!!mayb bcos its national day..hais...OMG it'll be SOOO KOOL if the train came..then we walk along the tracks ALL the way to jelita...HENRY PARK PRIMARY!!!whoo!!!heh here are some pics..
at the playground enjoying the view from above
the journey begins here..
walking to the train tracks...
on the tracks..
775.50 miles?kilometers?hack the sign lah
we found this by the tracks...what i call the :dead man's colthes^^hahax
with the stick
walking wif the stick
passage way...
the house..wif completely no one inside..^^hahas
sweet huh???
hahahax....posing on the rubish shoot outside the house!!!!
juju and tan on the wadevar you call that
KOOL huh..juju took photographer heh
me and me YEEHAA!!!
ama giving sweets BEWARE!!! jus might be poison..