Tuesday, September 19, 2006 @ 5:27 pm
hais today school...sian ah.plus..JONATHAN WANTS TA FAX HIS ASS TO AFRICA!!!LOL!can u believe tat..OMG..i noe!!gross..hais...anway after school went to glend's house wif,meiling,wen yi,seow wei,and judy..nadine had to go to marshals AGAIN!..HAIS..anyway..then went to by TAXI!!my money TT sniff** sniff** used com..then dunno what meiling toking bout wat anit..siao..lol..anyways..yeps the weixiong tok 2 me lyk he so big lyk tat pls lah!!!FUCKER..so what u got gf jealous arh..lol..aiyo..english pass so what..BIG DEAL..i working hard oso ok..xP go and die lah..lol.