Monday, September 04, 2006 @ 10:46 pm
today monday ROTT!!!!!!nth to do!!!!yeah recieved a few "PIZZA DELIVERY" phone calls today...that's SOO acs i ppl..hais..anyway..yeah and in the early afternoon no keyboard..yeah but sign in..then there was this weird guy started toking to me...asking me how 2 win my heart..uhh....ewww..grosh i noe..then he was lyk u got bf? then i copy paste no..hais..then he was lyk be my gf bah..then i was like NO!!but i couldnt say cos no keyboard..yeah so i used paint^^
ohh welll...i feel DAMN BAD!!!!NOW I'M GONNA WORK HARD FOR NETBALL..TT sry to bring you guys down to the fourth