Monday, October 09, 2006 @ 2:33 pm okayy..
haha during service,was writing note to ian bout the dog bone thingy..=D whahah damn funny
he made this really cute small dog bone made of blue tag..=Dwhaha still wif me though
yeah...went down early cos got this drama thingy >.<
yep anyway...didnt go so early so i stayed back alittle..
saw hannah...all could think inside my head tat time was bitch bitch bitch..well she is..
then later toked wif dorothy,charis and carissa and mayb ian..LOL..
charis was toking bout how me and ian tok lyk so close..LOL..were jus good friends..hais..
yeah then later the second bitch came out....
infact she was being NICE!!!i must be dreaming..she even offered me the sweet...
LOL!!!!!!!!!!then later there were a few left her aunty came over and asked..who wanted somemore lah..
then i was lyk no thank you=D*smile smile*
then she was lyk..AIYA...take all lah.tehn SHE GAVE ME ALL...
weird day huh...
yeah...then later in the afternoon..
jolyn called me followed by..
she told me she went to balbla bla and bla...HARBOUR FRONT...yeah..nice..