Wednesday, December 06, 2006 @ 9:07 pm
it sucks to be me.
really things just comes and goes it never stays.
yeah and when they leave they act lyk..
what to do.?
when they gotta go they gotta go.
eventually i'm left with my family.
no one else.
but no one cares.
to think God created me for a purpose, a reason.
but what?
i wanna go back to the old me.
it sucks be in this.
people speak chinese here and there. not that i've that i hate that language but... i'm SPEAKING that language..
do u believe that..GROSS.
yeah and all thanks to the school i'm in..
urgh.!ouh well the main purpose of bloggin this is not to talk bullshit and stuff.
i knew you were gonna go. but i gave u a chance. but u still left.
yep. sigh**
to that special someone**