Thursday, March 22, 2007 @ 7:03 pm
nothing much lah....T.T lols..
i didnt expect anything BIG or anything..
I'M 14!!!~ sweet sweet fourteen :)
went to school as normal...
sigh paid for taxi -.-
birthday girl eh!!
heh nvm lah..
i must learn..
so...yeah reached school..
first who gave me a present was wee leong&nicholas.
the box is SOO pretty..thank you.
the turtle is VERY cute too ((:
next was thane&soonlee.
yeah ITS A SHEEP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [aka llama]
haha thanks thanks..
`somethings are said everyday
somethings are said everynight
somethings are never to be said.
somethings are to be said once a year.
then next was aysha's letter :) ahaha soo sweet. your my bf too (:
`hey cheyenne..
birthday baby..
sorry, i couldnt get you a birthday present...
i'm totally broke..dats why..don't're sure to get something from me..
juz wanna let you noe that you're wan of my best noe like 3/4 of my life..already anyways wanna wish you a very very happy birthday...
may Jesus be with just by your side watching over you...guiding you everywhere you go & in whatever you do...
you better be happy dat i gave you a card ok!?
nah..juz kidding!! may you have a good live and live forever with a good hubby&children...haha
your bestie,
ouhh!!! people smsed me too! soonlee, mel, devy, tania, eliz and this really weird no. which i didnt manage to save in my sim card. it turn out to be shihui!!sec 4. AHHHAHHH!! lol not that its bad.. the question is...HOW DID SHE NOE?!lol thanks anyway guys :)
yeah so had lessons..
life seem pretty normal again..
in the moorning it was quite tense..
i wonder why..ouhh well..
yeah then after school..went up to vinod..
where's my b-dae present?LOL not that i expected..
i mean he said he alr bought for me one.
so i was wondering when it was coming
yeah than suddenly he unzipped the bag and gave me. and said happy birthday.
:D THANKS MA'AN..haha he even bought a card just a card. huge card haha thanks :D
then the netball girls sang me a birthday song and well some wishes too :)) thanks.
thank God for great friends :)
even though me besties jolyn and nadine didnt.. i'll still love ya'll!! hah yeah.. :D
after that had building bridge thingy.. SIAN!! haha we built this bride but it turn out it looked like SYDNEY!!!!! WHOOHOO!!~ haha its survived the 1.5kg.. me, nadine and jolyn we're praying so hard.. haha
but sadly it didnt survive the 3 kg :(
ouhh well...
yeah the groups who won we're :
3rd- sarah, glenda, wenyi, liting's group
2nd- jonathan, liyang, i think eugene and weijie.
1st- sec 2/1 janices group
YAY!!~ only 2/3 and 2/1 won...hehe 2/5 didnt..
haha i noe i'm very bad.. but i dono i feel like our class is some how competing with theirs.
or issit just me and nadine? LOL..
then went to tiong bahru..
haha yay!~ i think it was nadine's present now..
she treated me to shushi and bangawansolo i think..
yeah i bought the bubble tea..
the weird thing was nadine's colour was always green and mine was kinda mix..
this time it was the total opposite!
i had mango milk tea with strawberry jelly with green straw[watermelon colours :]
nadine had honeydew milk tea with apple jelly with red straw
and the covers were SOO weird..
nadine had the aries while i had the taurus. OPPOSITE!! LOL
then later met ken, wenyi, liting and seow wei.
haha its kens birthday too!!
he was like you bdae ah? then i was like yeah..
then he was like stay away from me!! LOL
haha weird guy..he looks mean but sorta nice..
yeah friendly..haha..ouh well went home then..
PICTURES from nadines hp;;

she made me do this!! haha..

ouh my word.. the smiles soo big >.<

i did this infront of a crowd >.<

this too. :*(

our directly opp. bubble tea!
used com for awhile..i dono why but i feel loved somehow..LOL
not because its me birthday!! LOL ouhh well gtg ..
no birthday cake :( haha..