Saturday, April 14, 2007 @ 9:15 pm
today, well FUN. FUN. FUN! heh :) Never been so happy in my life :) well. i'll start from the start. lol
woke up all of a sudden at 5 plus in the morning. don ask me why. I mean how am i supposed to noe?at times i just wake up all of a sudden. scary..
Anyway back. found 4 msgs. Who'd be that crazy to sms me at this time of the morning. -.-Didn't bother to read. closed phone, then went back to sleep. Ouh! i'm so SI tired! LOL! Woke up later at 7a.m with this freaking loud ring tone. blasting. annoying. Reset the alarm so that i could wake up 30 mins later. zzZ. Like i said freakin tired. Woke up again at 7.30am. Found 4msgs. Wait, i thought it was a dream? Heck. Went to bathe & prepare for netball match with clementi town. Rushed. My jersey was well semi wet. HELP! Fanned it. still no use. ironed it next. Well it was nearly dry. Sorta wet. But well, dry. Was late so i didn't even eat breakfast. Only drank milk. :\ Daddy send me to clementi town secondary. YAY! For once, its actually near my house. THANK GOD! the sun was SO SO HOT! Man! Why must the netball court be infront of the school?! SO BLOODY BRIGHT. Bet they don't know i'm semi vampire. MUAHAHA!!~ LOL -.- hate the sun. (at times ONLY) i even have the fangs to prove it! hah. Heck. Played GK for the first two quaters, then GD for the third. Man, i sucked. haha. Had gastric pain after that. Hmm.. I wonder whtr it was the breakfast or the position? LOL. Breakfast. Was really hurting, Never knew it could hurt that bad. Miss Haseena gave me food to eat :) Fish burger! YAY! thank you Miss Haseena. After that dad brought me home. Played the com.
12.20pm left the house for west coast. CHURCH ACTIVITY!! :D We, Region E9/10 grouped with Region B3/4 which was full of guys & no girls. So.. our group merged & was called BE(E). heh. with only 3 girls inside -.- Played captains ball with Region F11/12. No fair! Well, Esther is a netball coach. She probably trained them all which she did.(cause i asked her. duh.) Even her boyfriend was like an empire. LOL "CONTACT", "STEPPING". haha. So cute. The players were like power. "DEFEND, DEFEND!!", "GET IT BACK" haha they're region's so cute. Our region only scored 3. haha! cute no. lol. haha well the first one was caught by me :) heh. Went to change with the guy -catcher. Was bored ya see. So went up, thinking that at least i could at LEAST do sth. adn the next minute, one of the guys threw. SO HIGH LAH. lol. yeah. But still reachable, if i'd jumped. And so... i did. i jumped & I DID STH!! yay! Then everyone was like "nice catch", "nice jump". lol! thanks? then secs later switched sides. recieved the same praises. lol. *blushblush* thankyou thankyou. Well, i guess cause no one dares to jump on the chair. Its dangerous. Well, i still did it :) Plus the defender had great jump height. i mean well he IS a guy. lol guys jump real high. This time eric was the catcher. hah. On the other side was Esther(she changed in the middle of the game) she said sth which i tot was really cute. "If cheyenne can do this, so can i!" hahaha & she jumped :) so cute. haha. She kept jumping after that haha :) Eric jumped too. He nearly fell though. its okay :) ppl fall too. hah well, i guess everbody started jumping after that.
Played only one game. hah! its okay i guess. Went to play with the flyting fox next next :) SO FUN. We couldnt stop! I mean you would jump then the thing would swing you to the other end. but just when your bout to reach.....IT GOES BACK! haha.. carisser slipped of the thing a couple of times too. haha! :x NOT MOCKING YOU
After that wen back to the edge. YAY! another video! created by RegionC5/6 boys. soo funny lah.. well the previous week was funnier though. but they didnt upload it T.T
`as long as you love me -(there's one guy who looks like nicky but much better looking. hah calebs inside too.)

shooters.mid fielders. defenders.

carisser the truth is said. it really cant stop.
haha poor carisser struggling ..haha
eliz turn!!~ WHAHAH!
carisser having a hard time..while me? taking pictures :) wee!!~
still struggling..hahahahahaha just keeps moving back.
still struggling.
tired carisser! man.. just look at her face! hahaa eliz expression was..i dono.. laughing and crying?
haha after these pics. i went to help carisser..well we still struggled but we made it! =D
and the edge. sitting around...
taking pictures..

[WARNING SCROLL DOWN AS FAST AS YOU CAN don say i didnt warn you.]

CARISSER FORCED ME!! lol ahya play