Saturday, May 19, 2007 @ 4:34 pm
going to sentosa with church :D hehe yay! happy. heh. cant say though :) secret. andre, vinod, sarah,nadine & joey went too. but alone. stupid left early. urghh!! he's SOO gay.. he was supposed to help me!! SOO GAY!! nvm.. yeah :D cant contain my excitement. LOL. after that had to say goodbye :'( i didnt even.. well i did talk hehe. yep went to tania's house after that for BBQ. cool.
me on pink figure.
devy & me at vivo water park.
devy's cam

NO WAR? yeah right... hahaha.
OUHH!!! and BOOM! its crashes.
i have sth to confess... um.. er... i did that. THERE!! I SAID IT! i'm sorry :'( it didnt hurt though right? [hand wrestling]