Because we can.
Saturday, June 30, 2007 @ 1:25 pm
had school in the morning. yeah. stupid.. anyway reached home ate lunch yadayadayada.. STUPID LAH. whats my siblings problem i switch on computer alr make noisy. CHEEBYE. sorry ah this i've got to say lah. idoit. one by one. this.. SUCKS. they never understand do they. everytime my brother on nobody say anything. CRAP. yeah.. whatever. nvr like my silblings. hate them to the core. freaks. PISSED
forgotten to bring my shirt i begged. not really asked my GOOD friends to lend me. from ncc. man.. i got it. wailoong. LOVE THE SHIRT!! BECAUSE WE CAN!! :D
lol. wearing this shirt ncc ppl was like new recruit? haha. lol LOVE THIS SHIRT sad i've to return NO!!!
in taxi on the way to ccab!!! saw newtown ppl. hubert was one of them!! lol taught he was DEAD :x
kahmeng, weeleong, zhaofeng
zf and ting (: sweet
being retarded.
PRINCE WORR!! lol... PRINCE LEHH..hahaha disiao-ing him the whole time.
after hanging out with the first half. i hanged out with the second half. lol they finding hubert-.- hahaha TONGYI was SOO funny lah.