Tuesday, June 12, 2007 @ 9:48 pm
second day..
i mean like whats the point he didnt come. nah... i came here for GOD!! lol.. yeap must stay happy. breath in breath out. new day. stay happy. went for breakfast. saw ian and family. had to sit opp. ian. you noe i've this feeling.... that my mom and his mom are actually trying to set me up.. u noe the rest. ITS JUST A FEELING! but its a SUCKY feeling DAMN sucky feeling. i HATE! that feeling. NEVER LIKED IT. NOT NOW NOT EVER. anyway....tahhan~....... food... so so lah.. went to morning service. ian was like there waiting cause he walked and i went by car. which was supposed to faster but i dono why.. yeah.. sigh the feelings getting on to me REAL bad. thank God carisser was there lah. went to carissers room first to watch tv! :D man... its SOOOOO SOOO much better than that sucky hotel. then went down for service. entered the hall... wait. there i saw... him. wait. its not him. okay whatever! i did not wear my glasses. i just kept looking. i dono... sth tells me that.. its him. but its not. LOL cause. there's a look alike. found a seat. tried to look back to see again. he went to my row. than went off. still couldnt see. man... HELL was i disturbed. i tot he didnt come. O.O FREAKY. the whole time my mind was like, thats him not thats not. that is. not! is too. not. is too. not. but than i was pretty sure it was! urgh!! its messin with my head.. real bad. i listened to the sermon. went out for the .. issit called outta call? LOL i dono the thing where they call u to go to the front. yeah. thats when. i was DAMN SURE. its him. but still part of my mind was still not so sure. must comfirm. LOL. IT WORKED!! ahya...but .. nvm.. i'll just do it. he was the usher. :D cool. drats. didnt see the name card. crap. crap crap. lunch met saw.. this time i'm sure sure. saw his look alike at the same place too. my lifes... in PEACE :D hahaha. free time. me carisser and ian. well she was explaining to me where she went last night and all. turn out it was the room next to mine. the one with alot of noise. haha. yeah was choosing which region to go out with D or F. i have NO idea why we don go with the rest? like C, A, B? lol our region has like the least amount of ppl in it. low population..
sigh* how i wish i can.... nvm.. went with the Fs instead their SOO warm and friendly. :D i sorta made new friends :) haha i always wanted to noe sheena though... she's sooo cheerful. and always happy. haha watched shrek 3 again. i wanted to watch oceans 13 lah. sigh* nvm i'll just wait for 14 to show up ^^ yeah went by taxi. so did he and his friends.. walked further down for a cab. sigh* i dono i just tense up. idiot. starring at his direction walking...LOL seriously.. hate this feeling too.. than he turned back AHH!! turn away!! lol.. reached makota. almost the whole church was there lah.. whole church.. youths especially. watched the show. hahaha the advertisement. CRAP but FUNNY!! hahaha the idian... hahahahahaha soo cute.
the show... watched it again... zzzZZ went back to grand continental sat at sheena's room. talked :) she's fun. hah than went to bay view skipped dinner. drats. shouldnt have. he would be there. lol anyway service again. now was sitting with the youths. service ended. he went early. shucks. anyway went with mom and the rest to eat chendol. yeah went to the ground floor. waiting for dono who to get the lift. lift reached ground. door open..... thats when he came out. just bathed i guess. hair wet. ate chendol with ian's family, my family, uncle edward, endrew, aunty flourine and dono. went back after that. carisser said she would get me to play with them cards at night. well.. noises were there running. footsteps outside the door but i didnt dare go out. so i suffered. no fun for tonight. could hear clements voice so clear. lamak. lol haha..