Thursday, August 02, 2007 @ 7:28 pm
ALSO STINKING HYPER. sorry mean.. really mood swing-ed the day. first was really hyper, then pissed cause the teacher didnt allow me to go and photocopy. #%^*!!~ then really crazy started shouting everywhere. then pissed again. don ask me why kinda.. yeah.. sudden urge to go to airport!! xD and i finally foun someone who feels the same way bout changi airport as i do!!! VINOD!! who else? haha.. so we went!! :D NICE NICE TRIP.

me and sarah

wailoong & vinod

nadine and me
wailoong, vinod, sarah, nadine(hidden) and me
nadine, me and sarah

COOL HUH?! ahahaha

sarah took this..

SARAH CHU!!!!!!!! WHAHAHAHA i dono whats with the face i mean like whahaha its super funny. her legs just nice:D

me!! my legs are long unlike sarah's. haha xD

sarah, nadine and me on the excalator.!! or however its spelled :x

me and sarah going back home. visiting the toilet first :D

outta the toilet to the phone BOOTH!! :D:D haha nice colours

she LOVES this

sarah, wailoong and me