Friday, August 24, 2007 @ 11:50 am
talked to tongyi ALOT. hehheh. he plans to make stuff. so i guess.. i'm teaching him?
hahaha make 1000!!! jiayou!!
ouhh ouhh ANDRE HEARD THE DEVIL!! O.O lol he actually heard it. this one song which he forgot and this phone model which he ALSO forgot (that can play backwards) .. CREEPY!!
nicky asked from my blog from tongyi. and YOUR helping him. I DON BELIEVE IT LAH!! YOU noe whats he's gonna do yet u help him. i noe he's your friend but... hello? the more you help him. HE WOULD PROBABLY NEVER GET OVER IT. URGHHH!!
maths!! ever1 was happy escept those who failed lah. but nadine.. i guess she's used to it? haha jiayou!!
went to tiong cause joel cahnged his mind last minute to 5. JULIA!!! you heard that!!! 5 LEH!! LOL :x
talked lah.. then played this song hearing game. you hear the song. and just draw your feeling out. hahaha fun!!
man... not forgetting the hideous bear by nadine sigh* NEARLY KILLED MY EYE.
met joey. was going to chinyee's house. but i backed out instead.
super tired. walkin back home i just realised 5 o'clock.
PRAY PRAY PRAY he wouldnt sms. guess it didnt work lah.
so i had to walk ALL the way up. met julia.
LONG story short. we won abc. yeap. xD
the bao we wouldnt BARE to eat. SMOOTH SKIN~
lit class..
mrt back home. JOEY's SCARY!!