INTER CLASS COMPETITION - second last day of school
Thursday, October 25, 2007 @ 9:52 pm

the white ball is to write your wishes for the future.. xD


Top - wailoong vinod ashraf
middle - munyee peishan synyu tricia
bottom - glenda jolyn me

Class 2/3!

GAY SHOTS! - vinod andre omar

i like this one. hahaha wailoongs face soo funny coming from the side

top - leo reynold tongyi zhaofeng weijie
bottom - wailoong vinod kenny

top - leo reynold tongyi zhaofeng weijie
bottom - glenda sarah vinod andre omar wailoong

JOLYN BEHIND THIS!! haha the bond between us will never break

nadine writing on my shirt :D

top - me leo reynold tongyi zhaofeng weijie
bottom - vinod glenda sarah andre omar wailoong

clockwise- wailoong omar anu (the face again-.-) sarah

jolyn glenda me liting nadine (:

ANDRE!! HAHAHAHAHA wth hahahaha

sarah and anu.. wtf is with the face.

baoyi, munyee, sarah and me

tricia, synyu, baoyi, munyee and sarah

baoyi, munyee and crazy sarah


sarah leo and me..

me and munyee (:

wailoong me vinod omar