Saturday, February 09, 2008 @ 8:35 pm
Woke up at 8 just to prepare to go to escape theme park. How tired :/ Yawn*
Went there a little TOO early. SO went for breakfast. Then headed back in 30mins. 30minutes ago it was soo dead. Now there was life. So headed for the car one first. Every ride three times max. Every single time Jolyn over take me. Third time i got stuck. :/
Then went to the i don't know how to spell! :x The 'rocking ship'! Damn funny! haha. Don't ever sit with me in that thing. I can kill. Haha. AT first i thought it was not scary, so play play screm for fun lah. Then the last part. I wasn't screaming like the way i did a few seconds ago.. I started screaming damn loud and yes. I admit, I screaming like i was about to die. The pressure is just overwhelming. And yeah i couldn't breath. I just had to take this really large amount of air at the peek and then scream. I swear i think i sounded worse than Zan CAN! Hahaha. They were so bad lah! They kept laughing at me in pain. Cheyenne in pain very nice to see meh! :/ But okay lah it was funny. Lol.
THREE RIDES OF HORROR. (sitting arrangement)
1st. Me, jolyn and joel
2nd. Jolyn, Joel and me
3rd. Jolyn, me and Joel :D Both die already.
By the third ride. I sort used to it. Much more fun (: But both of them were already dying. Straight after that we headed for the toilet. Yeah Jolyn vomitted. Then Andre took damn long to come lah=.= waste my ticket asshole. Haha. Then went to the spinning thing and the rainbow.
And left. Then followed andre to the arcade but went to shop for the psp instead=.= Could have gone with joel and jolyn. But... arhhh nvm.
Then went home. Then went to visit marks house. SO near the house we're gonna move too. Omg. If i move here and Jolyn move here and by any chance, nadine move here. I don't mnd staying there forever. Lol. Marks room is damnnn nice! OMG! haha Then went for the edge....
Stupid pig never wake up :/nehhh. Then went to holland for dinner. Damn. How much i hate my siblings.
The reason why i don't actually want them to come with me wherever i go. Cause i know somewhere somehow my brothers lies about me can be so convincing it actually breaks relationships:/ sigh*



The placeeeeee.

Jolyn can't take it no more.

Andre, Me and Jolyn. Joel is taking the photo!

the crowd!! WHOOOO

The red dude.

Joel GAY! Haha taking the ride with the little girl. Unfortunately, i didn't take her face :/

me and zannnn!!(: