Tuesday, May 06, 2008 @ 10:21 pm
OKAY, I FINALLY GOT MY KEYS!. heh. And yeah my maths book turn out to be with Joel as well. :/ Lol i worried for nothing. Anyway.. Yeah. Prayed alot last night. Like for: Andre, Wailoong, Vinod, Jolyn, Joel, and etc. etc.
MATHS, was well revising. Sarah didn't come :/ awwww. so lonely in class can. Not really. Can pay more atention HAH.
SOCIAL STUDIES. I put in effort! ^^ I plan to do all four points. TOMORROW we're gonna be in the sports hall! How cools that?! :D
Then Physics i sat with Vinod. WHAO. Instead of like alot of punching, screaming and insults. We actually really paid attention^^ BIG IMPROVEMENT. :D GO GO GO!
AMATHS AGAIN. Yunkai was REALLLY noisy. buei hao bai at some parts. He actually praised me-.- but ouhwell, HAHA. I sorta hint some stuff. He stopped talking bout tricia already. Well well...
Then waited for Jolyn and Andre to study together, meeting poor sick sarah at mac. Pllayed this uber cool kinda game. With ten names. WAILOONG KEPT ENDING UP WITH *** LAH! SICK MAN.. HAHA. Yeah then, Joel sorta waited for awhile too. Then everybody headed off. :D STUDYYY(: I saw shufang=.= eeeeehhh!
Then til 5. Shopped for awhile then HOME(: Not really peaceful.
I got scolded mom called me a names. Ouhwell, i didn't care=.= LOL. I didn't feel in the mood to cry or bother bout these things but she was really pissing me off. -.- So i slammed the door and studied. Not really :x i haven't studied YET. Shit. Ouhwell, i bet i still can't sleep.