A little bit more..
Saturday, June 07, 2008 @ 10:38 am
Waiting is very tiring but ouhwell... Hmmm.
Okay, i went for MYOB thing. Lol, it was a LITTLE boring. But after that i think i learned alot. :D Whooo! When i left Mr Nian was like
" i think you didn't key in your name"
me: ehh i'm not in myob :x
mr nian: so you come hear to accompany us.
me: *laugh* no, to listen
Mr nian : * i think he smiled* okay then take care.
Take care? Take care?? LOL! Oh my, then i waited SOMEMORE.. in the sports hall. Mann, dad sure takes long.. Then like finally after the rock climbers are about to go for lunch he comes. heh. Ouch, ouhwell, then went to city hall. Why are people asking so much? o.o Lol. ahhh whatever. Then walk around.
Then headed home and back to city hall for the hotel. Oh my word!! MY BROTHER WAS BEING STUPID!!! ItS JUST A SLEEPIN BAG!!=.= Oh my word. whatever, then my batt nearly died but it slowly survived. Amazing! Then went to eat & take loads of pics with sis. DAMN DUMB lah. HAHA then bought narnia soundtrack. :DD & then narnia again. I LEARNED ALOT MORE LOH.
The moment the movie ended my aunt went " Prince Caspian is sooo..." Then together we said ' cute!!! xD " HAHAHA! Damn bimbo lah=.= OMG. LOL! haha. But edward is cute too.
Then me and my sister compared the whole narnia thing to christinity. haha. Challenged. Not bad. At least we learn something together. haha(: Awwwww.
After the movie was a little disturbing though. :/ A sudden feeling of regret. I got the messgae. Then i stunned. So what? So what if he's back? Its not like i suppose to do anything right. God guide me :/ just suddenly missed people alot. Like i needed my friends :/ I feel so away lah.. Ahhh. and i'm still struggling with aunt haha. :/
Today's bubble bath is soo NOT cool. =.=
TWO WEEKS. If you keep thinking it'll change, then it probably will. byeee daddy , will miss you! haha.
Same height, same height not.
SEEEE! I'm taller. Its your hair!
Finding swiss hotel. HAHA. Last minute then found it.
My brother =.=
` T.T i was BORED! Waiting for the water to drain.. 20mins , sooo. yeahh.
can you see it?