The first cruel look...
Thursday, July 03, 2008 @ 10:05 pm
Well today school was a little more than normal:
1. Well okay nadine suddenly stopped hanging around.
2. I had recess with Andre & Wailoong & i had a good talk with wailoong too.
3. Then mr nian didn't come for POA! WHOOO!
4. Had rehearsal but that is not it. It is whats AFTER that. Whooo good stuff i tell you. =.=
Anyway, first comes first.
It is weird, i mean like the sudden changing of people she hangs around with, i'm not really surprised. Kinda sick of it. I'm not a hotel where you can check in and out whenever you like you know. Like she says, why do you care when you only get hurt even more? Hmmm, so i give in.
Second, okay.. Its about bothering & what i think its not my fault, what fault, whose fault, & so on. & neglecting. OKAYYY I JUST READ JAVSCONAS BLOG & he seems really eh i don't know. Should i explain tings here or just absorb and try to do what they want me to do? I really don't know. First of all. I feel everyting is going own too. Its crashing, its falling. But.. Sigh. What can i do when you already made up your mind like : u pangseh us, ignore us for the sake of *.dun say you DIDNT. I can't do anything but just sit and listen. I'm not trying to sound pathetic fyi=.= Ehhh, but okay if i have to take the blame, i would. And say sorry and make sure this will all be over I WOULD. But tell me... if being pissed with me is being sooo easy, what makes it so sure the same thing won't happen again. I never wanted to neglect ya'll. I'm not trying too. Is just, that way ya'll behave towards me that makes me act like that. Is not like i'm not bothering, is i bother too much until i can't be bothered already. I do treasure our friendship but sometimes i think it gets way over our heads.
And ehhh me slacking... is ANOTHER STORY PLEASE. I'm just scared of MISSTOH! Ehhh
The POA everybody was in cloud 9. HAHA. WHAT THE HELL. We did our homework though :D Whooo satisfying. And Charles was being an idiot can along with shawn at the beginning. HAHA VERY RUDE but... DAMN FUNNY x/ Ouhwelll :x
The speech day can...... BOOOM
AFTER SPEECH DAY ALSO BOOM Just that LOUDER! I don't know how to say, just really screwed loh.. First look was fear, Second look was guilt, Third was disgust. Yeah. Stupid lah. ANYWAY no mood to type already. Soooo.. yeah.
ouch : /