Teacher's day.
Saturday, August 30, 2008 @ 1:58 pm
Xavier: LOL! okay??
Joel: Nothing?
Sarah: O.O do what?!?!
Leoo: Trust me.. i knw thats creepy but mine is... ahhhh!
Wailoong: he had no harness. Really!
DAMN I CAN'T UPLOAD ANYMORE PHOTOS!!! T.T I'll find a wayyy!!! Don't worry blog T.T :(
Is it today or the day after tomorrow? Whatever it is....
Our aces day rocks. Well it was not punching here and there or kicking. But we walked around the school twice. How dumb. Haha. Better than nothing!! :D While walking some people were jumping on eacher others back. Meling was trying to walk while swinging her arms which made her look totally retarded like since when does she not. Nahh kidding. Haha. Then Omar made this really sick joke " why don't we all contribute $1 to Mr Ngain and wish him happy teachers day? " HAHAHA. Damn cute lah!
Then our results. HEYYY! At least i improvedd :/ I passed POA AMAZINGLY! Thank God! :D
PERFORMANCE. Joshua was a damn good eh whats that called again. Oh yeah MC. I think :x Opps. He was damn hilarious lah. Giving his sarcastic comments here and there. One part he said the best teacher was Mr ngian. HAHA All the POA students went Whooooo!~ Ahahaha. Only the upper secondary would understand though.. Haha. Then he said : I feel so happy whenever you confiscate my ez-link card. Chibified~ hahaha.
What the hell lah. hahaha. Then ehh performance was really okay lah.. :D:D You did goooood (:
Then after that headed to like Primary school. Leo tagged. So dead. I was sooo bored. But well, seeing their faces again kinda not bad lah. Just that fewer people came. The first thing i stepped into the school i heard Victor. " I'M TALLER THAN YOUUUUU" And the next thing is we're all comparing about heights. Probably why Steven didn't really come back. And Joel Seow is as plump as EVERRRR :D:D Ahahahahah.
Then Mel & Sheren came so late =.= Laoooo. But missed them alot lah.. :D Then after taking rounds around the school we went to the Market to eat. Then headed to Plaza Sing to watch a movie but only one seats were available. Met Tania there toooo! :D:D
So yeah me, Jolyn, Melina, Jacqueline, Tania, Julia, Elvea & Devy went to eat at Carls Jr :D
The other table like no life loh! Talking about studies. Ahahahahha. Then here we are. Devy, Elvea, Jolyn & me. Crapping all the way about toilet bowls. AHAHAHAHA. Devys childhood is super cute :D
And learn pick up lines from Devy DAMNNN FUNNY lah! Julia's a bitch. I'm not gonna use it on anybody! Thats sick! hahaha. Then Devy kept saying... Jolyn and I went Whalaooooo. Its too sweeeeet. HAHAHA. Especially coming from a girl! ahhhhhh! hahaha.
Then after that we started telling super lame jokes & quizes. So far we know:
Sheren & Julia are possible sadistic killers
Melina's like partner is a leaf.
Tania lives in the same world as me!!! :D The first animal she saw was unicorn. ( fairytale world) But hers was a little bit more extreme, with all the candy house.
When i asked how much water would you pour inside your cup?
Tania: How much water there is inside lah
Jolyn: Yeah lah how much? Like what percentage, quarters? halves?
Tania: Then whats the point pour in my mouth lah. ( i gave up)
Elvea's & Mel's sex drives are all 10. Why am i not surprised about Elvea? Sex maniac. hahah.
Oh and whenever we wanna discuss where to go next we're always in the middle of no where discussing, laughing, making a fool of ourselves as well as blocking the way.
Then Jac, Tania & Mel had to leave early. So there Julia, Devy, Elvea, Jolyn & me stood for like half an hour in the middle laughing to whatever lame stuff we were doing & finally we moved to like the yamaha studio.
Then suddenly the joke was all on Julia.
Julia : Don't act cute lah its like the most hideous thing i've ever seen.
Me : It was just an example. Your fringe is the most act cute hideous thing i've ever seen.
Elvea : No. Julia is the most digusting thing i've ever seen.
No one heard that except Jolyn though. Then Julia started getting so worked up. Started explaining in the F language. Haha. Then Elvea went to hold my hands and said : I know!! I know what you're saying!! " Then we started laughing like alot.. Then we wanted to tell Devy but Julia was always in the way then Julia went to chase Devy around which was EMBARRASSING! Cause everybody was starin at them.! Jolyn didn't know Elvea's name so she called her lesbian! HAHAHAHA. What the hell lah. I said she was in a lesbian school but she's not lesbian. Ohwell, then she started acting like one. Reallly retarded lah! Did the actions i love you to Julia.
Then well first to get off the bus was Elvea followed by Devy then me & jolyn. She came to my house for net. The first thing my mom came out of the room was :
Where did you guys gooo? Then she started tugging on my high lightly* Cause i misssed herrr.
O.O WHAOOOOO! WEird!!! Played battleship.! I won Jolyn in the last match,! :D YAYYY! The first two she won me.
Then headed to the CC to play basketball of talked in the end at the playground watching rats run about. Cool. Then headed back home cause Jolyn needed to use the toilet. But my mom asked her to stay anyway so she did. Since my sister went yeah yeah yeah! :D
haha so she stayed. Then we kept giggling in the room. Haha. BUT MY PARENTS DIDN'T SCOLD EHHH! Its amazing! Who'se towel is she going to use? Where is she going to sleep? Who's pillow is she going to use? Haha. She used my sisters rally small FBT. DAMNNNNN FUNNY! Hahahahahah! Then we watched my sisters admiration for Thomas Daley in her file. She actually print like ALOT of pics of him=.= Retarded! Then talked then headd to bed.
Toilet bowl is DEVYs FAVOURITE PLACE!!! :D

Andre on Hamza
leo on Ck.
Victor Goh & mee :D
mee & leoo :D
Joel SEOW (crazy)
Me & Weixiong aka didi (:
A proper picture of Joel.
Mr Chowww.
Julia retardando & mee xD
Waiting area..
The group of dudes.
Joseph and me :D
Clayton, Victor & Jesher.
Qing Cai & Lionel
Some dude and Joesph (:
Lionel & mee :D
Jesher & me :D
Claytooonnn chuuuu!
me & hechen
Chinese teacher :D
Jacqueline & me
Jolyn Yuki Tan?!
Julia & Tania :D
Devy's drawing of her toilet bowl fantasy :D
Her essay on Toilet bowls. Whahaha.
The front of her diary.
the trick question Devy gave..
Struggle struggle.