Sweeeet dreams, lovette.
@ 8:14 pm
Anyway, yesterdays practical was A.W.E.S.O.M.E man!
A. I didn't drop any test tubes!!! ;)
B. I wasn't hyperventilating *double thumbs up!*
C. I was superrrr calm.
D. Everything was just so... perfect.
Really really, all glory to God! Marko and zan got the same answer too!
On top of it all, Mr koh made my day. Physics length answer (best) would be 80-85. I got 81.1! Woooots, first time in my wholeeee freakin 2 years of practical, I had never done so perfect.
God can do miracles! Heeee :D
So yes, Jolyn just confirmed today that the answer is carbonate and sulfate ya'll!
Ms chan knows what she's talking about, she saw us doing it, she can prove. If it is not.. God still is goood :)
Baby came back yesterday :D Yayyyyy, :) I'm really really glad. Got me almond choco, white choc almond (my fav!) Tho I should have kept my mouth shut really.
Today studied with Jofolinfin at starbucks tahday. Met nicole from 2/5 last time, havoc. LOL Nothing much uh, studiedddd then ate at burger shack :D Whooooo! Should go there on day, its awesome! Somewhere near island creamery a few blocks down, too bad if you don' get it. HAHA :)
Sorta worried for my maths, neglected it quite bad. Struggling to cast my cares to Him and let Him do everything. Besides that.. studying at marko's house tmrrrr! :D Gonnnaaaa be awesommmeeeee! (Amen)
Yes, God loves you. Very much. Unconditionally. Like a mother loves her child, unconditionally. Even as she slaps her baby's hand to protect from being burnt by a fire, her love infuses her whole being. So with God. God's love for you infuses the whole Universe.