X-men movie maraton
Saturday, May 27, 2006 @ 7:35 pm
i went to watch x-men today....>.< jean looks so scary..hahax...anyway nice show...will be waitin for the other one...hehex...
i went wif mel,sheren,sheren's bf[martin],and sheren's bf's friend...who has some weird name..sry no offence..anywaex...this how it goes
[On news five tonite....lolx..kidding kidding]
we had to go bowling first cos martin and his friend were the bout 12 sumthin but sheren said to come by two...anyway...doesnt matter..same thing....:
when about to cross the road,she always almost get hit by the moving car!!AND HU THERE 2 SAVE HER!!!!duh!!!!!!!!!!!me....thank you thank you..
as usual..DASH across the road without looking..... :rolleyes: trying to act hero lah!!!hahahax jkjk
so when we got there martin was playin parapara...lolx...and failed...then we went to see wether we could bowl or sumthin..we had to wait for half an hour so went to play DDR...
ACROSS THE ROAD AGAIN...to great world..and played DDR..then i accidently lost her card..and in total she lost $100... plus then we watched X-men...and i wont tell u the rest..hehex...i'll continue next time..cya