neoprints we took today...
Monday, July 17, 2006 @ 5:32 pm
this day we actually went around orchard cine taking's some.
i'm a reindeer~ haha
here. i'm the princess..WHOOHOO!! bow ta me. heh.. mel and her rose.
twist? now everyones doing it.
hahaha!!~ my favourite..especially when mel looks so hilarious but cute. me and sheren's da cat. meow~
close up snap shot.
sheren. me. mel [whats with the shoe?]
me and sheren cats again. awww...mel took my crown T.T sobs.
the "bitches" was SOO sheren's idea..she love that word. plus i'm not bitch. i'm innocent :) whahah. jk
awww..besties pic..