Tuesday, September 05, 2006 @ 6:42 pm
today tuesday!!!heh..went out wif SHEREN,HE CHEN,MAURICE watched devil's wears prada hahhaax damn funny sia..
yeah ten play arcade then say ai shan and cornileus..lols...
listen up
Cheyenne De'claire Wan 16 this year, I stay the same age every 22 march (heh) :D Loves painted nails, photography, talking, music. Staring at food makes me feel fatter every day. :/ Waiting for my 18th birthday where i can go overseas as promisedd;D whooo! AND I NEED A JOB SOOOON :o & if one day i grow too fat, hopefully there will be someone whoo would be there to roll around earth with me. Msn ; Facebook . |
Booya! (: