Sunday, September 24, 2006 @ 3:45 pm
today...GROSS!!!had to wear this skirt wif shirt..the outfit was okayy..but the shoes..AWWW gross!!!lol...anyway was preparing for cousins wedding..finally getting married:DD ..had to wear tat awful outfit..
even in church..i had to take of my sandals to walk down the escalator...GROSS!!!..LOL..good thinhg zan didnt come heh heh..anyways...preparing for drama..saw hannah and mumbled "fat ass" mom make a big fuss out of it lah..then she ask what is wrong..LOL...stay out of my affairs..URGH!!anyway got over and done wif the drama and headed for the WEDDING:DD the thing i couildnt wait for was catching the fowers lyk u noe at the end the bride would toss her bunch of roses or sumthin..yeah tat..hahax.the ceremony was SOOO boring..LOL..but i was captivated by the singers voice omg..i tot they were recording the song or my cousins again...RAWK MAN!!haha..still as short as ever..HEHE..
after the wedding we had to go to sentosa for the dinner..yummy:DD haha..but first we dropped by GREAT allowed to buy two drinks b4 we went to dinner ice LEMON tea and LEMONade !!!LEMONS:DD
went to sentosa...drank coke...LOL..then tried BEER!!!SOOOO BITTER!!GROSS!!haha..then mixed it wif seven-up and coke...much sweeter..haha..then later this oinkish drink came out omg soo nice!!so went to my aunt[hate her]then she let her daughter taste lah..then i say nice not..then she say taste lyk aunt said it was seven-up+ribeana[voka i think]!!!SOOO....I REQUESTED FOR A WHOLE CUP!!! that time a felt lyk everyone was staring at me..whats wrong lah i tot...then later my coz say..let's jus hope u dont get drunk..then i say why..then she say it alchohal!!!!LOL!!!!i didnt even noe!!!hais..but i didnt feel anyhting though..hack lah haha..then we had the dinner...had shark fin!!YUMMY:D i had 3 then later the host was lyk calling all SINGLE LADIES WHO WANNA GET MARRIED..then suddenly my cousins jus shouted my name so paiseh lah!!!LOL...GROSS man...haha..hais...the whole day rawked lah..haha..then had to say guddbye to me couziies TT...ouhh well..haha..SOO TIRED!!!cya:DD

uncle with jiejie kimberly [she use to teach me chinese SOO SCARY!! haha] sweet..haha

the flower i caught!!! cool huh..?

and any jessica