Friday, October 13, 2006 @ 10:28 pm
went sentosa wif me best pals..NADINE,GLENDA,JOLYN and SOON LEE..
part of the time we were DYING lyk really video!!
haha then is lyk WE WERE TOTALLY BROKE!!!totally!!!
haha then we dunno go where liao so sit on bus..haha then see play ground...
we sat one the BLUE line,RED line ahha and YELLOW line..all the bus..except GREEN line..

glenda`strawberye;;me`lemons;;jolyn`bojiaoer going to SENTOSA=D

jolyn and my water bottle..=D we hv a whole set...including nadine's and glenda's

at the mrt..glenda,me and jolyn


me wif the freakin cap..haha

on the bus..[this picture was obviously taken by glenda]

me and jolyn`bojiaoer on the bus=D

glenda and me..

buying coupons to sentosa!!

the map around sentosa!!!

1st stop..#SILOSO BEACH!!~

"craving" my name on the sand =D

nice hor...except tat soon lee spoiled it!! hahaha jkjk dun take it too hard

me sleeping..

me on tree!!!!kool!!hahaha


crossing the bride..=D first time

me standing on bridge..

the'll never noe whats inside...hmm.haha

up the stairway of

glenda!!!IDIOT!!!wrong side lah!!

me and glenda on playground..=]] hahas..

me,jolyn and glenda..

hanged!!! nadine spoiled it!!!she dropped first boohoo..nvm=] haha glenda llok so funny..hahaha=]

touching snake!!!first time..she's soo beautifull..YELLOW skin=]