Sunday, March 25, 2007 @ 4:58 pm

today SUNDAY.
met at macs. was really weird no sms from eliz.. hmmm wonder where she'd gone to.
then we gave her a call cause we though she'd been asleep.
true enough she was. hahaha..
haha when she called back.. i tot it was the wrong recipient or sth.
cause believe it or not THE PERSON WAS SHOUTING!! AHHH my poooorrr earr!!
hah! yeah..ouhh well it became eliz in the end.. haha
then she send us both the same msg.
wthr we could forgive her.
so being lame welll..... me and charis gave the same msg..
HAHAH! so fun lah! hahaha
meeting sheren and mel today.
haha ehh not that excited though but still..
their my pri school besties :)
yeah went church was waiting for parents.
yeah while waiting i was thinking of how to write the story.
AHHH!~ stress.. its gonna suck. i just noe it.
yeah was writing a song too.
LOL.. nah i'm not depressed or neither am i in love or anything.
i just wanna make time pass by.
so after awhile we went to eat.
went home. then suddenly got a call from melina.
we're going to boonlay shopping centre.
i didnt even noe that exsisted.
ouhh well.. anyway.. went to meet sheren.. how to say..still herself. much pinker now.
heh. yeah so funny she was talking at one time then a bug landed next to her no far away.
so she was talking then suddenly my eyes slowly slowly moved to the bug.
then suddenly sheren slowly slowly moved her head too. VERY SLOWWWW..
then she screamed. i knew it was coming. man..i nearly fell when she did. i didnt expect it to be so LOUD!! then i sprinted off and screamed along with her running..
hahaha..ppl must tot we've been crazy.
then took a taxi to boonlay shopping mall.
sheren pay :) YAY! haha
haha durinf the trip, mel gave me my birthday present.
a dice key chain, aries key chain, bracelet and eye liner. hah! thanks..
man sheren so kaypoh lah! hahaha i should be the one to open i mean i'm the birthday girl and its my present..haha mel was like sheren. give it to chey..!haha
reached there, it turned out to be a market.. then mal was like this not the place!
so it turned out to be jurong point instead. :(
soo boring when we reached there.
all we did was first we bought food which was quite unusal.
and then shopped. well yeah..
haha so fun..
went back home..

listening to music at the same time thinking...hmmm..

me& net group leader, eliz!! whoohoo!!~

hahaha.. sleepy blur face..

THE CRAZY WOMAN in 77th that SCARED me nearly half to death and hit sheren. WHAHA~

OUHH MY GOSHH!!! this lollipops have fasinating dtories to tell man.
well okay here it goes.. we're waiting for sheren to choose a lollipop when suddenly she picked out an EXTRA EXTRA SMALL ONE!! WHAHAHA!!~
me and melina's expressions were what the helll -.- whahahah!!~
then i showed her how a bigger one was more worth it..
yeah then we're making such a big fools outta ourselves HAH!
and heres the story of the lollipops.
she decided to buy both in the end ahahha

buying jelly this time :D

hahaha she looks so cool holding the jellies. nvr seen her like this before .

sheren in a never seen before position... WHAHAH~!

TO TIRED ALREADY HAHA..puttin it on the table.

ouhh you see the pink plastic bag?! AHH MAH!! hahaha
met at macs. was really weird no sms from eliz.. hmmm wonder where she'd gone to.
then we gave her a call cause we though she'd been asleep.
true enough she was. hahaha..
haha when she called back.. i tot it was the wrong recipient or sth.
cause believe it or not THE PERSON WAS SHOUTING!! AHHH my poooorrr earr!!
hah! yeah..ouhh well it became eliz in the end.. haha
then she send us both the same msg.
wthr we could forgive her.
so being lame welll..... me and charis gave the same msg..
HAHAH! so fun lah! hahaha
meeting sheren and mel today.
haha ehh not that excited though but still..
their my pri school besties :)
yeah went church was waiting for parents.
yeah while waiting i was thinking of how to write the story.
AHHH!~ stress.. its gonna suck. i just noe it.
yeah was writing a song too.
LOL.. nah i'm not depressed or neither am i in love or anything.
i just wanna make time pass by.
so after awhile we went to eat.
went home. then suddenly got a call from melina.
we're going to boonlay shopping centre.
i didnt even noe that exsisted.
ouhh well.. anyway.. went to meet sheren.. how to say..still herself. much pinker now.
heh. yeah so funny she was talking at one time then a bug landed next to her no far away.
so she was talking then suddenly my eyes slowly slowly moved to the bug.
then suddenly sheren slowly slowly moved her head too. VERY SLOWWWW..
then she screamed. i knew it was coming. man..i nearly fell when she did. i didnt expect it to be so LOUD!! then i sprinted off and screamed along with her running..
hahaha..ppl must tot we've been crazy.
then took a taxi to boonlay shopping mall.
sheren pay :) YAY! haha
haha durinf the trip, mel gave me my birthday present.
a dice key chain, aries key chain, bracelet and eye liner. hah! thanks..
man sheren so kaypoh lah! hahaha i should be the one to open i mean i'm the birthday girl and its my present..haha mel was like sheren. give it to chey..!haha
reached there, it turned out to be a market.. then mal was like this not the place!
so it turned out to be jurong point instead. :(
soo boring when we reached there.
all we did was first we bought food which was quite unusal.
and then shopped. well yeah..
haha so fun..
went back home..
listening to music at the same time thinking...hmmm..
me& net group leader, eliz!! whoohoo!!~
hahaha.. sleepy blur face..
THE CRAZY WOMAN in 77th that SCARED me nearly half to death and hit sheren. WHAHA~
OUHH MY GOSHH!!! this lollipops have fasinating dtories to tell man.
well okay here it goes.. we're waiting for sheren to choose a lollipop when suddenly she picked out an EXTRA EXTRA SMALL ONE!! WHAHAHA!!~
me and melina's expressions were what the helll -.- whahahah!!~
then i showed her how a bigger one was more worth it..
yeah then we're making such a big fools outta ourselves HAH!
and heres the story of the lollipops.
she decided to buy both in the end ahahha
buying jelly this time :D
hahaha she looks so cool holding the jellies. nvr seen her like this before .
sheren in a never seen before position... WHAHAH~!
TO TIRED ALREADY HAHA..puttin it on the table.
ouhh you see the pink plastic bag?! AHH MAH!! hahaha