Tuesday, August 28, 2007 @ 11:21 am
CLASS was PRETTY boring.
drew on leos leg xD hahahahahahhaha. then he drew on my hand while i was sleeping. GOD!! lol.
heard alot of stuff bout .... hehheh. my ears BLEED. hahahaha
weeleong was acting PRETTY weird too. suddenly so pissed at me.
Then during recess.. sarah yeah yeah she told me.. that reynold still liked me. uh huhhhhhhhhhhhh...
and she thinks weeleong likes me O.Oll thats uber crazy.
then she said no no no u see the way he treat you. and the time when leo wanted to tell u sth he gave that sulky face-.- its crazy so... watever.
though he's still pissed-.- pretty scary too.
ANYWAY. after school. todays the day. OUR REVENGE!!! THANE CHAN.
well in the middle of netball he comes to find us.
before that me and dine were like. should we just spray water at him or just go with the first one?
then nadine was like.. silence... both sounds great.
but then netball. so yeah we went with the first.
i jumped on him.
nadine punched him form the bottom.
then we messed his hair and punched him and stuff.
look like some kinda bullying :x LOL
after that he took out his bottle and was about to spray thats when we....
RAN ^^ hahaha
yeah netball was TORTURE!!!
one thing not happy 10 rounds. then she just keeps adding!! DAMN IT.