Wednesday, December 26, 2007 @ 11:59 am
Okay i know i haven't blogged for a few days.. But currently my days are screwed. Yes..
My first ruined Christmas.
22 Dec, Saturday.
Well i had a REALLY REALLY weird dream..
I dream that it was Wednesday, youth outing. Hannah and Zan came along. But when they did. The badminton was cancelled and we just stayed at clements house to play cards-.- Kind of weird but yeah..
Then it switched to another dream.
I dream i was at my primary school. I don't know i felt like a pri kid but i knew i was 14. And it had the haunted feeling i always have whenever i dream of my primary school. And yeah everybody was against me. I don't know why but it was... And i got into alot of trouble, smsing in class. Mrs Yap was my teacher. DAMN.. i don't know why i'm calling her that! Well JOEL's MOM LAH! Well she sort of punished me but in a way she said that i was one of her favourite students? WTF... OMG... weird!!~ She liked me but she'll have to tell my parents about the phone. That's when i remembered me saying OHHHOHHHHH!! Lol. Thats not it. Then i had recess, yes. I don't know why MY SECONDARY SCH PEOPLE AND PRIMARY SCHOOL PEOPLE ARE TOGETHER. BUT THEY ARE! OMG.. I was supposed to be in 3/4 I wasn't sitting with 3/4 people. I remembered Thane and Azimah in the same class.. Then looked damn weird! Like the emo guy with black hair and eye-liner and he was super slim now. I guess i was in 3/5 Then in the middle of the hall was Region c people. DAMN WEIRD LAH! WHERE'S MY REGION!!?? sigh*
Then finally my dream ended.
Woke up around 12 nearly one. Went to collect my book list from vinod. THANKS! (: and buy contact lens :D Then walked all the way to queesway mrt and went to cck. Waited for charis then headed for erics house. Shanna's sooo cute!! :D OMG. SHE EVEN SMILED!! :D Then went to the edge with Joy. She's nice and funny. Haha.. I thought we were the only ones who are late.. Heh turned out at that clement and samuel, tooo, were late. Jeremy preached. Don't think about how much it hurts or how long it'll take. Yeah. Then clean toilet. Regional duty. LOL Joshua actually called overseas to ask how's the edge. HAHA BURNING FOR GOD EHH.. HAHAH. Then had pillow fight with clement as usual. Ouch. My heart felt like it was burning at one thin line behind my head. Ouch ouch. Heh...
23 Dec, Sunday
Well kay i don't know whether to say half my day is ruined.. or my life just sucks completely. Here goes... *BREATH IN*
SUNDAY YEAH?? I went to church :D Was late cause everybody woke up late. Then meet samuel and charis at macs. Yes. Samuel is doing a christmas card for everyone! So nice. Haha. Yes he was sitting there drawing, unlike what little gorillas do. HAHA! Okay okay! I'll stop the name calling! Yeah the talked quite abit then joel neo hopped along then followed by eliz. Yeah yeah. Lol. I realise one thing. T.T I'm like a stinking goat lah! What the hell! Control yourself girl! I'm not turning into my brother, NOOOO!!!~ T.T At one point of time in my life.. i can eat like non stop. And there's another point where i can so totally not eat at all. SOOO ANNOYING!~
Then went for worship. David and Esther came with erm their parents duh? Father is preaching! HEH. He's quite cute huh? :x heh heh. LOL. Then they had this game session for awhile. Passing the parcel. DAMN lah. Roshan was so hilarious.!! Haha. Talked about peace~ SHALOM. Yeap(:
Then got prayed for. It was REALLY FUNNY!! Cause Pastor Selvam wanted to pray for the youths. I mean he did. So David Ten was first. And.... yeah he fell.. That's when the two monkeys behind me went.. " EHHHH!! I don't want to fall leh! I don't want to fall leh!" WHAHAHAHA!! When it was their turned.. both of them fell SIDE BY SIDE!!! WHAHAHAHAHAHAH!! Okay i know its bad to laugh but.............. they WERE funny :x
Then took pictures as usual, Jana's mom took them :D YAY! Then we also took one with Esther and David. Then we actually talked. DANG. David still remembered we played at the beach. Like... how...i had to make a dare by saying hello to one guy. -.- KATHERINE LAHH!!!!~ Lol i said hi to him. Duh! He's the nearest anyway. My word.... what happen next... i don't want to know.... LOL!! Then Jana and family got prayed for. Pray that they'll get a house in our block :D HEH. Then ate at GHIM MOH!!~ The best food ever!! :D Even clement says so :x Anyway.. was talking and i don't know how the subject of ian came up, but it did. And i know whatever i was going to tell my mom she wouldn't believe, or FEEL my pain. True enough, she didn't. GRRRR=.=
Yes and i knew i have this bad habit leaving my old friends for my new friends. I know i do that. I'm still trying to change. Right now i might not notice because i'm always hanging around the same group. But Ian.... He's SCARING ME!!! I swear. Its like the feeling when nicholas tried to stalk me okay. I feel like crying. URGHHH... LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!!!!!! I tried to put myself in ian's shoes, in Joy's shoes, in Sarah's shoes. Damn it hurts. I know it does! And i don't want to BE like that. If i ever were. I would..... I don't know.. I don't ever want to treat Joy and sarah the same way again. But..... I can't stand it! SERIOUSLY. They might be happy but i'm... well i can tolerate. But i can't do it for long. My patience is running low everyday. I didn't use to be like this last time. At least.. i think. But now.. My mood just changes every hour, minute. Oh LORD FORGIVE ME.. I want to be nice to everyone. God. But i know I can't! IAN'S BOLDNESS IS REALLY PISSING ME OFF. WHAT HAVE STUFF ABOUT YOU GOT TO DO WITH ME?? WHY MUST YOU COME TO ME FOR ADVICE??? HELLO! I'M A DAMN GIRL DAMMIT! AND PLUS.. GET OVER IT!! SERIOUSLY!! I CAN'T TAKE YOU NO MORE OKAY! URGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!
IAN - argh im confused ignored and sad
ian says:
me says:
ian says:
ian says:
your bf go sms all my frens they damn scared haha
me says:
he did not sms...
me says:
me says:
where got!
ian says:
he did lor...
ian says:
he call somemore
ian says:
me says:
he got sms meh?
ian says:
me says:
me says:
ian says:
he sae to 94551445 who the heck are you
me says:
me says:
me says:
ian says:
they scared he got gang...
me says:
some stuff you'll never know....
ian says:
me says:
me says:
i'm never gonna tell u..
ian says:
water polo guy ah?
me says:
of all people.
me says:
me says:
who knows who knwos??
me says:
HAHA this is hilarious
ian says:
u good fren with my cousin now hro?
me says:
ian says:
ei tell leh
ian says:
adriel ah?
me says:
Weng Keong Kok this person in your sch right
ian says:
ian says:
not him rite ...
ian says:
me says:
he's in church you gong.
ian says:
i know gong gon
ian says:
gong gong
me says:
supposedly he's in your sch
me says:
so say.
ian says:
he is zzz
me says:
your level?
ian says:
y u like my school so much
ian says:
ian says:
ian says:
interested ah?
me says:
i like your sch your head
me says:
u gotta be kidding
ian says:
wa so ah lian joking
ian says:
me says:
u hav no idea how much i FEEL for that sch...
me says:
ian says:
ian says:
so long never tok to u liao...
ian says:
sian gtg bb
me says:
... ehhhhh so? bb
ian says:
next time ask u for advice
ian says:
me says:
me says:
pls dont. i'm not good at it!
ian says:
i just plaed for 2 hrs...
ian says:
ian says:
ian says:
me says:
ask your cousin
ian says:
me says:
me says:
ian says:
ian says:
ian says:
me says:
lol hello!!!!
me says:
guys ask guys
ian says:
me says:
its sooo damn wrong to ask a girl
me says:
plus i feel weird
ian says:
u veri pro mah
me says:
so no.
ian says:
ian says:
ian says:
ian just sent you a nudge.
ian says:
oi must tell me who i ur good fren for so long liao..
ian just sent you a nudge.
ian says:
oi must tell hor....OIOIOIOOIOIOIOOIOIO
ian says:
silent means consent
me says:
me says:
ian says:
me says:
whatever.. no.
24 Dec, Monday.
Woke up.. late. Used the computer. Just not enough time for blogging. Ate at the market and waited super long for my Godma to fetch us. Read the vampire daries while waiting.. :D I finished the two books in one. Phew.. now... i needa read the third. Finally fetched us at around 3.40. Took like forever to come. Then drove all the way to tampines which took like half an hour. Then ate like lunch there super early dinner or super late lunch you decide. Then stayed at Godmom's house for awhile while she bathed. Then headed of at 5.30. T.T My hero show... :'( Then collected the food at some place. So embarrassing. But when i finally reached the house. It was SOOO stinking boring. I couldn't go near the one bitch i mean two. Lol. she turned my sister into one in that moment. As usual. Sat there read my book until recieving presents time (:
I recieved alot of clothes :D Well i remember praying for them in like mid of 2007. And i got it! :D Yeah after the whole thing i was still left alone. Stupid nicole.. DON'T MAKE ME UNLEASH THE INNER DEMON-.- Crap as.. Stuck up bitch. Lol... i'm quite cool right now.. But that day.. the thoughts in my head were... pretty vulgar. Heh.. URGHHHH!!!!!! pissing me off!!
I better get on with the next post before the feeling comes back.
Welll okay.. i'll only explain this picture.. The other i'm sure you can tell. Well tomorrow was christmas you see.. and in the middle of the nigth i could hear like my phone ring. Kinda annoying but yeah.. All either MERRY CHRISTMAS! or BLESSES CHRISTMAS or Chain mails. Anyway. i woke up and yeah like something was shinning down on me. Lol LIKE YOU KNOW. I SUDDENLY GOT ANNOINTED OR SOMETHING ( like in the movies, but no) That's the moon. Yeah BEAUTIFUL! I've been staring at it since in the car... And now. Its just outside my bedroom. So beautiful...... Wellll..... Looks deadly too huh. (: haha
25 Dec, Tuesday.
Family day. Avoiding Ian. Duhhh he's creepy! Yes played with lucas... OMG he's sooo cute! Then jumped on the jumping thing LOL HAHAHA... FUN FUN FUN. xD Joshua called lol. Again. Sunrise on 31st! YAY!
Then had captains ball. And took regional and youth photo :D Hehheh..
Lol... mark looks like a vampire! seriously fits stefans description.
EVERYTHING WAS pretty fine... untilll... Well i watched i am legend. Very depressing. Had dinner, He called...
Ian's mother called. Asking questions. Damn.... This sucks... I don want people to get into trouble lah.... Stupid Victorians. URGHHHHHHHHH ruin my Christmas.
Father scolding me-.- WTF!! MY FAULT?? MY FAULT?? If it was for ian to blab out my name in front of his friends saying what girlfriend thing THIS WOULDN'T HAVE HAPPENED. AND YET IT'S MY FAULT. WHAT BULLSHIT MAN.. whatever... its always my fault. It IS my fault. I don care anymore.. I just don't want to see my father's face for the time being-.-
Christmas presents from Carisser, Charis, Clement and Samuel.:D THANKS! (:
26 Dec, Wednesday.
Had another super long dream.
Was with some church kinda mixed churches around Singapore and we were at the west area. Some how Dion was there... Kinda weird! She talked. But i forgot what she said. SOmething about her life. Then she went back home to get something. Then aunty Joyce spoke to me saying about the girl i was talking to just that it started with an A. Not her name. I wonder why she changed it though.
Then it changed.
Yeah this.. i dream that i was.... erm... just very good at it:D It felt damn good lah.. HAHA
Then it changed. Again.
I dream i was at school yeah, and something about my handphone i forgot. It was yeah, i Remember now, confiscated. So i went to Joel lol. He well.. I mean in real life i borrowed his phone when i needed it. Yeah so real life or not. Its in the same place. MY MIND. So it connected. I went to joel and asked if i could borrow but then samuel was there too. And he had way more phones! Like.... ALOT... Its kinda weird.... VERY weird actually... Sigh* I can't stop dreaming!
27 Dec, Thursday.
Shopped and bought my school books. I feel wasted. I bought one NA social studies and like two workbooks which i don't need. URGHHH.. i feel like i'm wasting money all the time... Just by the little little stuff.. Its always my aunty who pays :(
28 Dec, Friday.
Went for netball. OMG! SUCH A GOOD GOOOD Feeling to be back again! Talked to nadine. SH'e having weird dreams too. Haha... Just that hers... much more creepier. Mines just weird. Completely weird. And after netball we went to meet WAILOONG, VINOD and ANDRE and ASHRAF(: YAY!!! I MISSED YA'LL OMG! Though i must say.... wailoong is soooo not a gentleman! urghhhh
Then went to Holland Village. For net group. Our last netgroup, with Samuel. HAH! The FRIES ARE SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO CUTE!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHH haha. Thanks Eliz! :D
Then went back to si-ee's house bathed and headed out again for takashimaya. Ouhwelll... I finally made up my mind in buying the bag :D YAY!!! haha... zzZZZ
Yeah then at night... I just couldnt sleep so i read my book. SOO INTERESTING xD heh. Weird day for messages to come in like non-stop. Sigh* I can't be bothered. *throw phone*