Saturday, January 19, 2008 @ 10:53 pm
Woke up damn early! 7 plus. Idiotic, my sleep! :( BOOOOO!!!...
This saturday is the worst so far. Melina actually wanted me to go out with her today. Besides that i've netball, joel's birthday and cross country. Which i REALLY don't want to miss! :(
Urghhhhhhh.. reached school heard weihao playing the piano :D OMG!!!! :D Haha... Then went up to put our bags then went to hear nga yu. IS THAT HOW U SPELL IT!?!? OMG!! haha i don't know... :/ Yeah but he was SUPPPPERRRR cool! Almost way cooler than weihao. Haha... Whaaa its so beautiful lohhh! :( Didn't ask him for msn dang. :/
Started netball. Tough :/ Had to do the same thing again and again and again. Nevermind cheyenne wan! T.T It pays off. :'( Practicing Gk i can die. Playing game, not so much. Wd. I'm still working on it! Ended at 12:30! YIPEEEE
Then zan picked me and nadine up by taxi. THANK YOU!! So sweet right? haha. Cannot be so bad le lahhhhh :/ Always depend on people i really hate that :(
Went to Aunty Tina's house. So nice lah :D I LIKEEEEE. Then ate there and bathe there. Omg I feel like a leach! She even like drove us to joel's party and then to mac richie ( however you spell it) :x
DAMN SOOO MUCH... PRESSURE. I was nearly going nuts at Zan's house. But thank God there was like Zan and Aunty Tina to calm me down :'( URGHHHHH two parties like pressurising.
One, Joel. The other, Charis, Eliz, Kenton, And partially someone else. :/ Yeah got scolded my Eliz about my priorities. And Charis because... i don't know why! Then i can't just go to joel birthday party like that and forget all about cross country becauseeee:
1. people will think wrongly-.- Like my typical region.
2. I really really wanna go for cross country :( Several reasons.
BOOOOOO : / Damn stressed.
So..... went for joel's party for 5minutes ran of and went for cross country! :D Didn't run but at least like went for games.
Then hanged around. I felt damn weird cause everybody kept giving me that why-you-liddat attitude.....
So went to the bridge to chill :/ with Zan.
Sigh* SHE MADE MY DAY! Say my hair is brown. :D Chio hor. HAHHA i mean like my hair chio lah. LOL. HAHA So did shuan ho! Hahaha. My hair is sooooo brown LOVIN it :D Haha Was much better after that then went back.
So went to the bridge to chill :/ with Zan.
Sigh* SHE MADE MY DAY! Say my hair is brown. :D Chio hor. HAHHA i mean like my hair chio lah. LOL. HAHA So did shuan ho! Hahaha. My hair is sooooo brown LOVIN it :D Haha Was much better after that then went back.
Caleb is soooo. LOL HAHA. Funny lah. Just like 10 steps away he sent me an sms saying - Say hi to me HI!! HAHA super cute lah! Haha then waved. First time lehhh!! Wha sehhhh. Haha. Usual i'll feel damn awkward cause my sister makes me sooo...
Yeah And yeah thanks Kenton for telling me where my sis was :/ I felt so bad hanging up on him just like that. SORRY!
Then played games :D funnnn. hahaha.
Then made caleb go to the egde. But he left 20 mins after he reaches yishun EEEEEEEEEEEE!!!
Then went to north point to shop. :D
Then edge. :D:D:D :/ Caleb never goooo EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! Pian wo!
Announced the winner for the top 10 cross country guys and girls.
I went out lehhhhh!! Top 3 sehhhhh!! Haha... Daffodil Wan. They say wrongly already lahhh :/ NEHHH. Haha.. Helped sister get prize so nice to go out and get it for her :D My sister lehhh!! HAHHA
Lol. Then talked about HEROES :D Then suddenly feeel very down. :/ THE VERSES ARE SOOO COOL and very meaningful heh. :/ Sigh* Then on the way back home thought them ah-lian language quite fun. HAHA... Lol. :x
Dont look T.T please..... T.T LOL i just put here so that i can delete the ones in my phone k. OMG

i'm crazy © says:
so bord..
i'm crazy © says:
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
hahaha so tell em about perlyn
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says::D:D:D:D
i'm crazy © says:
i'm crazy © says:
tell who??
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
i'm crazy © says:
u typed em...
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
me* paisehhhh loooo
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
i'm crazy © says:
i'm crazy © says:
she's so cool la...
i'm crazy © says:
got a twin bro...
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
sure not skali fake one
i'm crazy © says:
now they sec1
i'm crazy © says:
i met them b4..
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
???? ouhhh met them sehhhh
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
lol invite her to church lahhhh :/
i'm crazy © says:
i'm crazy © says:
i'm crazy © says:
she's really hard to invite..
i'm crazy © says:
she's a christian cuz her mum is 1..
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
my church!
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
cause she got kat
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
i knw
i'm crazy © says:
trying to share christ with her,,,
i'm crazy © says:
she really need him'
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
now bother
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
i mean
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
now brother
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
you lsten ah...
i'm crazy © says:
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
i'm crazy © says:
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
ome chuch next week and bring her along
i'm crazy © says:
i'm crazy © says:
i'm crazy © says:
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
next week
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
i'm crazy © says:
i cant luh...
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
nadine seowwei and probably vinod and andre coming also
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
i'm crazy © says:
i'm crazy © says:
i'm crazy © says:
count me in
i'm crazy © says:
only if they go,,
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
haha... maybe nia
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
nadines words
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
i cant take it must see her actions
i'm crazy © says:
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
haha okay set
i'm crazy © says:
i'm crazy © says:
i hav to see how la...
i'm crazy © says:
if suddenly hav band practicce then i cant make it liao le..
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
i'm crazy © says:
i'm crazy © says:
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
i'm crazy © says:
you are so cool la...
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
LOL! in what wayyyy???
i'm crazy © says:
you look like a japanese and a koprean in this pic...
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
i'm crazy © says:
so cool la...
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
REALLYYYYYYY... lol... :x ahem i wanna say thank you but... sound damn bueibahhh hah
i'm crazy © says:
i'm crazy © says:
then ppl keep calling me an indonesia...
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
hahaha u do looklike one in yr dp
i'm crazy © says:
i'm crazy © says:
some also call me a malaysian..
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
they called me that tooo :/
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
ur math wat class ar??
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
Lol... you actually said hi. HI!!! hahahahaha
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
k nvm cos i dun know how to do some questions
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
ouhhhhhh ok.
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
sian man n i stuck re
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
like question?
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
cos mine 3-4 mar yup
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
i know.
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
i forget how to do
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
lol which one i think your class is slower than mine
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
16 -three-quater
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
k i dun know how to write it here n pls lor i always say hi one
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
Haha... uh huh...
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
pg wat??
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
ermpg 14
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
2 g0
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
teacher tell us diff method from textbook n i confused
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
ouhhhh... lol mine amaths class si think you'd be moree confused
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
wait wait
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
haha lol i only know like
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
did you like learn the formulas? LOL...
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
erm hav
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
yeah so in order to take away the minus you make the no become a fraction get it?
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
as in like 16- 3/4
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
1/16 to the power of 3/4
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
get it?
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
: ?
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
wait let me tink
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
kl nvn more diff
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
HAHA u don understand eh?? nvm lah i think you ask your teacher tmr
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
yeap (:
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
tml sunday
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
opps : / paisehhh
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
haha myn fren on the phone now teachong
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
i tink more clear
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
haha GIRL righttt?? HAHA okay then haha
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
the stupid teacher confuse me lor
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
zzz dun jealous lar
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
jkjk haha
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
-.- WHAT THE......
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
erm i dun know wher girl or boy leh
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
ehhh she say she boy
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
OMGGG haha
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
too bad lo...
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
haha dun worry i wun accept gay as in frens
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
what theeeee... haha kk whatever makes you happy eh? go learn lahh
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
fine both of ur say same thing
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
she amaths tooo? hahaha too bad lo.... you just hav to learn that way then
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
zz sian
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
wah liao teacher's method diff from textbook so make me forget wat is square root for a moment
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
lol thx but too much u not goodjkjk dam high now
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
i not good you're worse lahhhh
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
k kidding
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
sry lor
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
Act cuteeeee eeeee
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
zzz where got lol
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
wah sian then i forget wat is the el fornal letter writing format leh
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
sianz nid to do for bizz one wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
Nvm tmr englsh ask teacher lo..
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
biz nice meh-.-
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
zzz sundae lar
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
bizz nice lor
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
very less work one something lyk tat lar
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
lol... nth to say... heh... : /
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
HEY... Lol so yeah issit true whatever you sad to joey
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
quite funny....
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
lol something lyk ta
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
cos reli mar n very random lor n jus ask la
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
WHAHAHA... okay. Lol....
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
haha y???
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
theres nothing wrong wat so she say out oso not my prob
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
is her mouth(:
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
like what having a million of girls hate you from othe schs?
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
haha come to tink of it u r lyk a australian
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
dun hav leh only my school one then hate
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
the outside one then normal
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
Lol. i was about to ask you that... cause you're answers were WEIRD..!! HAHA
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
nahhh i heard it differently haha.. ouhwell... nvm
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
its lyk last year nov then i started knowing or school girls wat
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
awwwwwwwwwww.... haha ouhk
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
australian in what way
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
erm a nice way
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
erm....but ur voice abit not lyk them leh
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
LOL.... uh huh.
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
you want me to like copy them ahh
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
aiya i dun know lar let it come naturally to me first then i tell u
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
haha no lar
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
but nid time to tink mar...
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
anyway i tink its cos i sec1 atitude makes school mates tink i m still tat way tats y lyk y still hate me lor
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
maybe lar
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
haha i dun care bout them liao lo
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
k cant tell u anything yet:p
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
uh huh how come i find this speech so familiar... Lol i heard it last year!
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
Lol... yet?
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
hav meh??
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
erm its best u dun know first lar
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
yeah like your girl problems HAHAHA
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
okok i'm sorry : /
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
erm nvm lar say lor
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
i now alr lyk very open liao go n say watever u lyk
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
dun feel sorry
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
n its not exactly girl prob part of it correct
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
tahdah! first part correct
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
but no price...SAD
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
go guess lor
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
u guess correct i will tell u its correct
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
yeah like you steaded with someone, broke up with some one. had sth with someone,
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
i dono girls
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
but dun tell ppl lar cos if i let it to only myself very uncomfortable but too many ppl very not good
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
erm nope
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
not tat
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
gir problem only got liddat mahhhhh
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
not everything oso bgr one
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
haha ok lor
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
say lahhhhhh AHYO!
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
haha ok i got idea liao
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
i tell u this part
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
then diff ppl diff part
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
but make sure y each or then dono can liao
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
u reli so interested to know meh??
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
i don care infomation nice mahhhh
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
so so???
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
info sounds nice*
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
wah liao got lyk tat one meh??
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
just say lah
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
wats square root A ar??
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
zzz i dunknow how to do
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
theres only one ans what
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
square root a IS square root a issit not?
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
Lol cause its A! Lol
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
i think so :x
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
A-1over 2
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
i see ans page ... pppsss
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
Lol..... u didnt simply fy is
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
simplify it
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
but tats ans mar
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
text bo says one
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
i knw
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
ehhhhh don change sub idiot
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
say say say
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
wah u scold me still wan me to say
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
i dun know y today t to u lyk very nice lyk tat
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
i tink cos no restriction
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
usualy talk to me not nice mehhhhhh : / wth......
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
say say say! haha hurry!
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
k fine
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
say alr u oso
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
fine lo but your problems all very funny one plus they all have to do with bgr one so its damn funny haha.... i wont mock you lahhhh :/
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
wah liao
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
no bgr lor ts one
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
forget it lar
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
HAHA sorry lahhh
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
not fun one t to u
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
sorry lah : /
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
okay fine its not bgr.... then waht issit?
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
erm first one u guess is girl tng rite
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
i only tell u precisely wat is it n rest dun wan say liao
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
dam sad one
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
erm first one is tat i fell for a girl n ts round is i reli lyk one
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
but no hope one so dun bor to ask me to tell
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
n dun tell ppl tat i lyk someone
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
thx for listening too
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
???? righttttttttttttttttttt.... okay
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
and thats why i don bother about this kinda things... haha... kk stop thinking too much
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
k thx...good nite see u in school
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
n dun be late
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
yesss thank youuu (:
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
n wait
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
remember to tell me if my atitude have change any bit k
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
yeah sure byeeee
i'm crazy © says:
so bord..
i'm crazy © says:
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
hahaha so tell em about perlyn
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says::D:D:D:D
i'm crazy © says:
i'm crazy © says:
tell who??
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
i'm crazy © says:
u typed em...
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
me* paisehhhh loooo
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
i'm crazy © says:
i'm crazy © says:
she's so cool la...
i'm crazy © says:
got a twin bro...
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
sure not skali fake one
i'm crazy © says:
now they sec1
i'm crazy © says:
i met them b4..
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
???? ouhhh met them sehhhh
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
lol invite her to church lahhhh :/
i'm crazy © says:
i'm crazy © says:
i'm crazy © says:
she's really hard to invite..
i'm crazy © says:
she's a christian cuz her mum is 1..
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
my church!
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
cause she got kat
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
i knw
i'm crazy © says:
trying to share christ with her,,,
i'm crazy © says:
she really need him'
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
now bother
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
i mean
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
now brother
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
you lsten ah...
i'm crazy © says:
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
i'm crazy © says:
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
ome chuch next week and bring her along
i'm crazy © says:
i'm crazy © says:
i'm crazy © says:
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
next week
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
i'm crazy © says:
i cant luh...
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
nadine seowwei and probably vinod and andre coming also
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
i'm crazy © says:
i'm crazy © says:
i'm crazy © says:
count me in
i'm crazy © says:
only if they go,,
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
haha... maybe nia
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
nadines words
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
i cant take it must see her actions
i'm crazy © says:
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
haha okay set
i'm crazy © says:
i'm crazy © says:
i hav to see how la...
i'm crazy © says:
if suddenly hav band practicce then i cant make it liao le..
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
i'm crazy © says:
i'm crazy © says:
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
i'm crazy © says:
you are so cool la...
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
LOL! in what wayyyy???
i'm crazy © says:
you look like a japanese and a koprean in this pic...
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
i'm crazy © says:
so cool la...
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
REALLYYYYYYY... lol... :x ahem i wanna say thank you but... sound damn bueibahhh hah
i'm crazy © says:
i'm crazy © says:
then ppl keep calling me an indonesia...
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
hahaha u do looklike one in yr dp
i'm crazy © says:
i'm crazy © says:
some also call me a malaysian..
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
they called me that tooo :/
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
ur math wat class ar??
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
Lol... you actually said hi. HI!!! hahahahaha
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
k nvm cos i dun know how to do some questions
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
ouhhhhhh ok.
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
sian man n i stuck re
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
like question?
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
cos mine 3-4 mar yup
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
i know.
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
i forget how to do
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
lol which one i think your class is slower than mine
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
16 -three-quater
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
k i dun know how to write it here n pls lor i always say hi one
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
Haha... uh huh...
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
pg wat??
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
ermpg 14
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
2 g0
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
teacher tell us diff method from textbook n i confused
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
ouhhhh... lol mine amaths class si think you'd be moree confused
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
wait wait
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
haha lol i only know like
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
did you like learn the formulas? LOL...
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
erm hav
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
yeah so in order to take away the minus you make the no become a fraction get it?
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
as in like 16- 3/4
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
1/16 to the power of 3/4
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
get it?
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
: ?
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
wait let me tink
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
kl nvn more diff
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
HAHA u don understand eh?? nvm lah i think you ask your teacher tmr
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
yeap (:
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
tml sunday
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
opps : / paisehhh
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
haha myn fren on the phone now teachong
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
i tink more clear
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
haha GIRL righttt?? HAHA okay then haha
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
the stupid teacher confuse me lor
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
zzz dun jealous lar
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
jkjk haha
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
-.- WHAT THE......
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
erm i dun know wher girl or boy leh
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
ehhh she say she boy
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
OMGGG haha
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
too bad lo...
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
haha dun worry i wun accept gay as in frens
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
what theeeee... haha kk whatever makes you happy eh? go learn lahh
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
fine both of ur say same thing
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
she amaths tooo? hahaha too bad lo.... you just hav to learn that way then
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
zz sian
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
wah liao teacher's method diff from textbook so make me forget wat is square root for a moment
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
lol thx but too much u not goodjkjk dam high now
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
i not good you're worse lahhhh
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
k kidding
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
sry lor
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
Act cuteeeee eeeee
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
zzz where got lol
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
wah sian then i forget wat is the el fornal letter writing format leh
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
sianz nid to do for bizz one wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
Nvm tmr englsh ask teacher lo..
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
biz nice meh-.-
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
zzz sundae lar
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
bizz nice lor
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
very less work one something lyk tat lar
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
lol... nth to say... heh... : /
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
HEY... Lol so yeah issit true whatever you sad to joey
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
quite funny....
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
lol something lyk ta
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
cos reli mar n very random lor n jus ask la
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
WHAHAHA... okay. Lol....
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
haha y???
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
theres nothing wrong wat so she say out oso not my prob
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
is her mouth(:
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
like what having a million of girls hate you from othe schs?
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
haha come to tink of it u r lyk a australian
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
dun hav leh only my school one then hate
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
the outside one then normal
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
Lol. i was about to ask you that... cause you're answers were WEIRD..!! HAHA
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
nahhh i heard it differently haha.. ouhwell... nvm
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
its lyk last year nov then i started knowing or school girls wat
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
awwwwwwwwwww.... haha ouhk
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
australian in what way
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
erm a nice way
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
erm....but ur voice abit not lyk them leh
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
LOL.... uh huh.
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
you want me to like copy them ahh
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
aiya i dun know lar let it come naturally to me first then i tell u
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
haha no lar
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
but nid time to tink mar...
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
anyway i tink its cos i sec1 atitude makes school mates tink i m still tat way tats y lyk y still hate me lor
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
maybe lar
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
haha i dun care bout them liao lo
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
k cant tell u anything yet:p
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
uh huh how come i find this speech so familiar... Lol i heard it last year!
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
Lol... yet?
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
hav meh??
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
erm its best u dun know first lar
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
yeah like your girl problems HAHAHA
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
okok i'm sorry : /
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
erm nvm lar say lor
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
i now alr lyk very open liao go n say watever u lyk
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
dun feel sorry
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
n its not exactly girl prob part of it correct
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
tahdah! first part correct
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
but no price...SAD
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
go guess lor
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
u guess correct i will tell u its correct
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
yeah like you steaded with someone, broke up with some one. had sth with someone,
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
i dono girls
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
but dun tell ppl lar cos if i let it to only myself very uncomfortable but too many ppl very not good
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
erm nope
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
not tat
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
gir problem only got liddat mahhhhh
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
not everything oso bgr one
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
haha ok lor
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
say lahhhhhh AHYO!
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
haha ok i got idea liao
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
i tell u this part
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
then diff ppl diff part
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
but make sure y each or then dono can liao
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
u reli so interested to know meh??
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
i don care infomation nice mahhhh
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
so so???
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
info sounds nice*
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
wah liao got lyk tat one meh??
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
just say lah
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
wats square root A ar??
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
zzz i dunknow how to do
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
theres only one ans what
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
square root a IS square root a issit not?
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
Lol cause its A! Lol
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
i think so :x
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
A-1over 2
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
i see ans page ... pppsss
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
Lol..... u didnt simply fy is
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
simplify it
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
but tats ans mar
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
text bo says one
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
i knw
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
ehhhhh don change sub idiot
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
say say say
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
wah u scold me still wan me to say
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
i dun know y today t to u lyk very nice lyk tat
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
i tink cos no restriction
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
usualy talk to me not nice mehhhhhh : / wth......
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
say say say! haha hurry!
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
k fine
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
say alr u oso
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
fine lo but your problems all very funny one plus they all have to do with bgr one so its damn funny haha.... i wont mock you lahhhh :/
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
wah liao
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
no bgr lor ts one
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
forget it lar
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
HAHA sorry lahhh
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
not fun one t to u
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
sorry lah : /
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
okay fine its not bgr.... then waht issit?
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
erm first one u guess is girl tng rite
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
i only tell u precisely wat is it n rest dun wan say liao
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
dam sad one
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
erm first one is tat i fell for a girl n ts round is i reli lyk one
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
but no hope one so dun bor to ask me to tell
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
n dun tell ppl tat i lyk someone
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
thx for listening too
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
???? righttttttttttttttttttt.... okay
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
and thats why i don bother about this kinda things... haha... kk stop thinking too much
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
k thx...good nite see u in school
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
n dun be late
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
yesss thank youuu (:
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
n wait
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
remember to tell me if my atitude have change any bit k
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
DoM~hardwork-ing in progress to save this thing says:
C-H-E-Y-E-N-N-E. Doesn't it spell damned so clearly? -.- soooo screwed! says:
yeah sure byeeee