Wednesday, May 07, 2008 @ 10:58 pm
Its strange how fast i get over it.. (: I'm proud of you :D
Social studies & science MCQ was TODAY.
Yes, had social-studies talk in the morning. HAHA. With Wailoong and the rest :D
Protestants& Catholics while the Tamils & Sinhalese. Can't these idiots stop fighting. Or at least fight more so that we can have more points to write in the exam? :x Opps. Heh.
Me: i hope the sinhalese one comes out loh.
wailoong: no... i hope the protestants one come out loh.
me: nooo. nvm nvm i'll pray
1st EXAM IN SPORTS HALLL WHOOOO! & I'm sitting beside Vinod :D Good pals never seperate :D :D Ahahaha.
Yeah 1st paper: SOCIAL STUDIES.!
The first thing I did when i got the paper was FLIP TO THE BACK, section B.
YES! Its the Sinhalese one! :D :D WHEEE! Then my first instincts was to look at wailoong. HAHAH! I couldn't stop the smile on my face. He gave that grin. Like damn! haha.
Then after the paper it was sort of okay. :x
Then SCIENCE MCQ. You can say i can do a little. I didn't even study please! But i hope i pass :/
Then after school me, jolyn, vinod and wailoong headed to Plaza Sing :D Andre was... having some stuff i guess. I don't know. Sigh anyway, on the way did some changing of lyrics. English to chinese! HAH. Look to you. Damn funny lah. HAHA. yeah we had a hard time choosing where to eat. But in the end we went to Long John Silvers-.- How? Rock-Paper-Scissors. =.=
sighs. NVM. Then talked. (: THE TALK WAS NICE. haha.
Then rushed back home for chinese tuition. I realised my chinese homework was the memories this passage on BGR=.= Just because she thought i had one! My word... Lord save me. Anyway, chinese tuition was fun. haha. Then rushed to practice my piano. Obviously i didn't practice at all. I better do. My exam is one month away... 7th GRADE. I don't wanna fail. T.T
Chinese tomorrow.! ENDURE!!
We were walking to the bus stop when this HUGe red bra caught our eyes. HAHA. Wailoong was like. WOW. WOW! That's BIG LOH! hahahaha.... hilarious.

i stole this pic :x
I SAW HIM EH... T.T what the hell. I think he quit school. :/ AHHHH. Hope not. But he sure is still smoking. Ahhhh... I praying for you.. :(