Sunday, May 18, 2008 @ 10:31 pm
Because when you smile,
something deep inside me tries to smile back;
when i'm down and i hear your laughter,
i come alive again(:
In my mind and heart i've carried
an image,
a fantasy,
a wish,
i guess,
of a wonderful person i could love totally
My sight was foggy
and so was my thought.
Felt like i'm about to capsize any minute.
Ahhh, maybe i'm thinking too much.
Maybe i'm just trying too hard?
Lord guide me? I'm TRYING TO LEAN!.
But LEAN WHERE???!?!
Ah sighs me and my struggles. Lets see. Okay today church i volunteered to help Hannah. Yeah, i just felt like i didn't know what to do. Talked to Mark in the morning. Was telling him lah. Not everything but like whether to sit with the youths or not. I hate sticking to my parents. I really do=.= And yeah... So i decided to help out.
Yeah then went up to try to see whats going on. I. AM. TRYING. =.= SEEE. Anyway, yeah they started insulting school motos. Haha. What ian said about ACSi was pretty hilarious. Everytime ian goes : acs students * shake his head*
mark goes: Ehhh what! acs!
Then Ian will go.. : I... I.. I
And clement was being really immature lah.. ALl of a sudden step on my shoe. THANKS AH="= Lol. Then after that it got rough. Then i hit him. Lol. Then everybody went. She kind enough to punch you like this not like this lehh. And yadayadayadayada. HAHA
And after church, we watched lucas and matthias fight. Haha. Uber cute man! (:
Then headed to far east to like eat? Yeah.. Eat i felt dizzy. Stupid heat. Lol Plus i'm like wearing jacket lah. Congrats=.= Ouhwell reached aunts place & then went out again to shop.
I was so freaking hungry lah... and like i don't know why but i couldn't really walk properly. Was really blurred. :/ Adding on to that wailoong was like AHHHHHHHHHH. I don't know. I felt like it was really gonna happen. So, i over-fried my brains once more. Yeah and... ouhwel the first thing i did was God don't wake this happen. And i started praying like crazy. LOL.
Then finally like ate jap food. I think i was better. HEH :D Got neoprint shop inside ehh! HAHA. Sooo cool! Ouhwell, yeah...
`aunts house
Kill me if you dare..
Shoe of salvation. haha
My cousin dared me $10 bucks to drink this...