Fish & Co. (:
Monday, September 01, 2008 @ 8:21 pm
Depressing day. Yeah i cried again. I'm gonna get sick of it soon. Mom was really nice to me. urghh though i hate it. I didn't know why i cried though. For the phone? Or is it how i'm treating my mom though she's so nice? Eeeeeeek. I hate this feeling. Headed to chinese tuition in the morning..
Amazing. He was there :/ just to send me up. :/ Awww thank you.? Ehheh. Urghhh. My face was damn black.
Then chinese tuition wasn't sooo bad :D At least well i kinda smiled?
Then headed back home & yeah. Gave you sweets & you bought me strawberry pocky :D Thankyouu (: whooo. By then the atmosphere was totally different from walking up hill (: Then slacked awhile at the really windy place :D
Then headed up got dressed headed to aunts house getting prepared to meet javscona :D WHOOOO! JAVSCONA OUTING :DD
Tried calling the idiot for hours. but... I gave up.. Too pek chek already. :/
Then meet them at the lan shop. hahaha. Playing counter strike. Like sheesh! Sarah totally sucked! no offence. haha. I took over once and i shot HEHE. ( omar ) Hahaha. Omg! My first shot in CS :DD Ahahahaha
Found out wailoongs cousin Ting Wei came along :D damn cute! haha Then took alot of pictures. Omg i feel soooo .. yeah.. Then headed to Fish & co :D My first time there :D AWESOMEEE. Ting Wei puked though. Then played truth & truth. haha. damn dumb.
Then headed home alone. Whooo, quite rare that i go on the bus alone now.. :/ ehhh shouldn't make it a habit. Ohwell... :/
miss you badly :( ..
Oh my! help!
Javscona!! (: Nadine shrunk by alot (: