Drive to australia
Friday, April 10, 2009 @ 7:13 am
YES. I'm going to australia today. Checking in now.. I'm so SOOOO tired!..
After yesterday. Uh Gosh!
Some performances were quite boring..
'cept for the shanti performance. It was a totally OMG moment.
The nicholas and gang performance was hell splendid. Hahaha. Super cute. They can rap really well:D
For the bands nicholas was freakin awesome on the whatever guitar:)
Aron and his solo performance really got the crowd going.
The edge was awesome too. Hahaha. Zhen wei really got the crowd going!
Baby was awesome on the drums:)
Joshua was freakin cool with that swirly guitar move.
Nicholas and charles rocked it out.
That was about all. Yeahh.. :)
Be back two weeks from now. So Xavier i can't make it to your party. Teehee!:D
Initially earlier this afternoon. I was really pissed at my parents. Wasted my 1 and a half hours lo. No no. That's not it. Waste my time. Waste my money. My money = their money. -.- freakin pissed la!
Ushers had to reach at 4:30. They, however, was a different case! And yet they force me. One thing i detest is being controlled! -.- i know what i'm doing. I know how to plan my time. I don't need you to tell me what to do. Irritating! So frustrating! Ughh! Worst part of the day. Not only that, we had to walk around the boring kallang shopping centre -.-
Service however was awesome:) like overflowing number of people. Until ushers had to give up our seats! Haha. But nonetheless, out come was really woah, like WOAH.
Healing service was woah WOAH. Hahaha. Free of constant frustration. Na-dine should come and be free of her migrane. Haha. My brother is still waiting for his healing though:( it'll get better amen. I hope he doesn't use that healed hand to hit again.
I just realised planetshakers is only coming on sunday. Hahaha. Silly me. Still! Can't wait!
Hehe. I lied:D