Such a time as this
Tuesday, July 07, 2009 @ 10:35 am
It was pathetic to stay home on youth day, and besides, i never saw this coming. It seems like h1n1 but some how its not. Lol.
Went out to catch ice age 3. Sorry eh, was so sick, I was pretty much liveless. I hope babe doesn't catch the flu. He won't, amen :)
Yeah, pretty much.. If only I was not ill. :( such a time as this. Sucks.
Right now, the fever is gone. Thank you Jesus. It was like 39.7 yesterday. Crazy la-.-
Kept waking up at night. So restless! To the point that I thought i had slept the whole day when i only did for 2hours. :\ cripes. And everytime I woke up, i prayed. And I'm better now :D when only for the fever part.
Other than that, i just lost my voice :( Ughh. Everytime I breathe is like pain shoots through my chest.
Still very tired, but i can't sleep:(