Before I slip through..
Tuesday, August 04, 2009 @ 9:23 pm
It's sooo hard sometimes.
I can't put a finger on it.
Maybe I try too hard?
Or maybe it's just me. HAH.
Whatever it is, it's so hard to please..
I wouldn't say you're the only one.
Sometimes I wish I could put you back in that place too.
Maybe you'd be happier? God knows, sick.
Or rewind time..
I just want to see how your reaction was when you were there.
I never got the chance to see.
So guess I'll never know now either.
But I do have a strong hunch.. (as I always do)
Ahh, but all love need sacrifices.
If I let in you there again, I guess I wouldn't really mind.
It'll be so selfish to not do so.
After all what am I to you?
The present doesn't really matter if it is not going to be there in the future.
Sometimes I wish I were you, able to take my stand and point my views.
Wishing always to raise my voice in a fight, but never did.
I can never know why,
It just seem so hard to do so.
Even if I wanted to.
Funny much.
So much for thinking I could move on.
The past just comes back banging on my four walls.
Heh, erasing that part of my memory was wishful thinking.
It was just a reason to run away from the pain I tried so hard not to release.
But the truth is no matter how much I force myself to forget.
People, things, subjects, months, situations reminds a person of it.
The most clear memory in your brain is not the sweetest, but the worst.
Maybe.. recalling back is not a bad thing?
Maybe.. it is to see how less painful I can recall the memory?
Maybe.. Maybe.. Maybe..
Human lives my trial and error.
I'm not perfect.
I can't erase it no matter how much I force.
I can't stop the fact I can't get behind your head.
I can't stop the fact.
I can't stop the fact.
I can never stop the facts.
That I am still going through this motion in life.