Thursday, September 07, 2006 @ 2:04 pm
TODAY WEDS...had geog remedial..shouldnt hv gone..waste time only..sigh**
then later had this dumb chinese tok..good think jonathan didnt see me OMG or SOO kill HIM!!!lols..GEEK!!* heh..anyways yar then later had netball URGH!!!..DAMN...
sigh** dont wan to say lah.all i noe is..
ITS UNFAIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
seriously i mean..what the hell lah even i think coach a bit bias offence
nadine hasnt even got a role yet
GLENDDA got alreadii^^ so happy for her..=DD
and then..aiya..hack lah..
sigh** nvm
then had paino..whalao..boring LAH..
i want to go out also cannot..
=(( being controlled**