Monday, October 16, 2006 @ 6:38 pm
FARKK!!!nearly kana hp confiscated....stupid jungle junior lah..and sl.. heh..
so i trade my neoprints which was ALREADY wif her...fark...i cant let it go it precious!!
T.T in the memories go instead...............................
hais..then later we tok tok then lyk very happy mah.then suddenly glenda angry liao..
scary eh...nvr seen her un happy b4..hees~
so nadine ask me leave her alone slowly slowly get better...zhen de lei!!
i always tok she nvr reply..kns..
haha...she oso very funny..but sorry lah..
tat day i went to sentosa damn funny..bout 2 die mah..then is morning..jolyn sms me..
J:hello...u there?
me=P:yep sry for lare re. jus woke up..
J:u alive?
WHAHAHA ALIVE..ahem...well..yeah it was lyk damn funny lah then..
i came on msn..then glenda and joyln was how?
T.T so touched..
then later i stop talkinh then they say wait a while father must be scolding again..lOL..
my fwens....luv them=D
freaking haze today damn...freaking..big lah!!sigh** what to do..